Sunday, April 29, 2012

Al-Qur'an the Book of Revelation of Guidance for Mankind

Adapted from the Al-Qur'an surah An-Nisa, I would humbly try to make a study of the interpretation of verse 163 which will relate to us that the of Al-Qur'an is the Book of Revelation for the guidance of mankind. The authenticity of the Al-Qur'an as defined as the Speech of Allah SWT. The revelation was sent down upon to the last Prophet Muhammad s.a.w through the Angel Gabriel, in the precise wording transmitted to us by numerous persons [tawater] both [verbally] and in writing, [imitable and unique] protected by God from corruption. Truly, the Al-Qur'an is solely for the guidance of mankind of religion (Monotheism].

Concerning the aforementioned interpretation of the verse, let us observe the meaning of the verse 163 in surah An-Nisa as narrated below:

Surah An-Nisa verse 163: (The Women)

"Verily, We have sent the revelation to you (O Muhammad s.a.w) as We sent revelation to Noh (Noeh) and the Prophets after him; We (also) sent the revelation to Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ismael), Ishak (Isaac), Ya'qub (Jacob). and Al-Asbat (the offspring of the twelve sons of Yaqub [Jacob)' Isa (Jesus), Ayyub (Job) Yunus (Jonah), Harun (Aarun), and Sulaiman (Solomon), and to Dawud (David) We gave the Zabur (Psalms).

"From the above verse of surah An-Nisa which constitutes the revelation and messages in themselves offered the valuable guidance from Allah SWT through the Scripture from God while the revelation [Wahy) is the sense of revelation is the guidance from God for His creator brought by the Prophets who carried and transmit the words of God.
Furthermore, the aforementioned verse prescribe to Prophet s.a.w Allah SWT has sent the revelation to him and so do Prophet Noh and other prophets who came after him. God has also sent the revelation to Ibrahim, Ismail, Ishak, Yahya and his descendants, Isa, Ayub, Yunos, Harun, and Sulaiman and to Daud, We gave Psalms (Zabur).

Revelations were also sent to those Rasools who are responsible to convey the good news to mankind and admonished them. So masseges through the Rasools, disbeliever have no excuse to plead against Allah SWT. In other words, revelations by God to the Prophets and Rasools constitute the three component aspects to the Muslim believers. The first is the INSPIRATION for example the factor of DREAM which is related to Prophet Ibrahim who receive guidance in a vision while asleep to sacrifice his son. The second aspect is SPEECH hidden away where it related that God spoke to {Prophet Musa from the Fire and thirdly to the last and end of our Prophet s.a.w are messages WORDS (speech) sent through messeges from God where it related the God sent angel Gebriel who recited to him God words exactly.

As to the Prophets who are given the book of revelations and Shariah (Islamic Law) and are selected by God to pass on His Messages and are appropriate for a particular nation like all the prophets mentioned above for the sake of mankind like Prophet s.a.w. We should understand that but all prophets were not necessary rosools.

Finally, people may or not believe that Allah SWT bears witnesses the what He has sent with His knowledge and so do the angels though on Allah's SWT testimony is sufficient to the Believers.

Allah is Mighty and Wise

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Distinguish the Meaning of words Compulsion, Proselytize and Apostasy in ISLAM

Misinterpretation of the words of compulsion, proselytize and apostasy by Muslims in the propagation of our religion Islam transpire me to write in this column to highlight a little bit of my understanding of those three almost similarity meaning in the context Apostasy in the Islamic Community. The surfacing of so called proselytizing that lead to the conversion of one's faith to other religion brought the confusion and anger till this days among the peace loving Muslims in the Islamic Society at large.

Let us understand that the first primary word of compulsion denotes the act of compelling or force a person to embrace other then his religion he professed while proselytizing is to induce someone to convert to other religion. Ultimately, the apostasy is to acknowledge someone to abandon his belief of one's religion faith. In other words, he becomes an apostate with other religion faith of his choice.

Comprising of the three acts of compulsion, proselytize and apostasy, let us refer and evaluate the two verses in Al-Qur'an surah Al-Baqarah and Al-Nahl below:

Surah An-Nahl verse 106: (The Bees)

"Whoever disbelieved in Allah after his belief, except him who is forced thereto and whose heart is at rest with Faith, but such as open their breasts to disbelief, on them is wrath from Allah, and theirs will be a great torment."

The above verse 106 in surah An-Nahl clearly cited that any Muslim who insists and abandon of belief of the Islamic religion's faith is obviously considered as deviation from the fundamental Islamic principal whereby religion Islam is nullify because he has willingly converted to other religion. Any Muslim who abandon his religion Islamic Faith after acceptance the true religion of Islam should incur the wrath of Allah SWT and would be punished in the Hereafter. Except those who is forced to abandon his religious faith, such conversion to other religion is absolved as he is in his hearts, he is still been a devoted Muslim.

As to go further, understanding and elaboration of the above verses in Al-Qur'an,

Surah Al-Baqarah verse 256: (The Cow)

"There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah, he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. And Allah is All-Hearer. All-Knower."

The above verse 256 in surah Al-Baqarah clearly stipulated that there is no compulsion in our religion Islam. Those guidance has been made clearly, the conversion is distinct of compelling or forced a Muslim to embrace other religion. Therefore, who is aware of Taught [force of Shyaitan] and believe in Allah SWT and hold steadfastly of faith in Islam religion, He is pleased and would obviously be heavenly rewarded in the Hereafter.

To elaborate and understand some of the verses in Al-Qur'an, we would refer to the quoted Anti Apostasy Law which is stipulated in Act 11 of our Federal Constitution guarantee the right of every person to prefer and practice his religion. The right to practice in religion is absolute. The right is not limited to the right to choose a religion but also to practice of the religion of his choice in accordance to the person and faith. In other words, belief under Federal Constitution, one can obey chosen religion of his or her choice, but also to practice his religion freely, without any monk or priest or prophets whether or otherwise telling him or her to do this and that.

Just to avoid the confession whatsoever they are keen or likely to convert as apostates, the Government of the States and so do the parents should at least play the vital part to be aware of the silent movement of compulsion and proselytizing in our peace loving multi-racial religious Society. Our country's management of secular government policy cause the symptom of apostasy of which should be avoided and denied within the Muslims community immediately check especially the establishment of secularism. The government should undertake serious attention to the cause of apostasy occurred.

As a guardian, the parents must take the responsibility to guide their children the Islamic way of life and be aware of the apostasy when someone approach the teenager or youth with the intention of conversion of other religion. Ultimately the victim become an apostate and turn his faith to other religion of his or her choice willingly.

Finally, as aforementioned earlier, apostasy could be secured and validated by the point of law, Civil or Shariah [Jurisprudence] where in this context Shariah law we observed that the said law could not dictate the matter of judgement of apostasy in our religious Islam . The Shariah Jurisprudence is not qualified to hear the case of apostasy and was asked to stay away from the Judgement. The Islamic Jurisprudence could be only addressed on varieties of other religious matters such as social and Islamic cultural, religious education and economic sphere in the Islamic Society.

There is no compulsion in religion Islam.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Muslims should hold steadfastly Faith in Religion Islam

Adapted with a slight modification an article from the Islamic Scholar, Dr Yusuf Al-Qaradawi about the Faith in our religion Islam I would humbly write down as to my understanding regarding the matter which I believe Muslims should adhere and ultimately hold steadfastly this Faith in religion Islam. Discarding and rejecting the true faith in our religion certainly will negate his profession in Islam what more his numerous wrong-doing and sins will never expiate by Allah SWT. As it is we should have faith and believe that Allah SWT has created mankind in the innocent form fitrah [nature] so that they will live harmoniously and peacefully in their community. Let us refer to the surah Sad in Al-Qur'an verses 27 and 28 below:

Surah Sad verses 27 and 28: [surah Sad]

Verse 27 - "And we created not the heaven and the earth and that is between them without purpose!. That is the consideration of those who believe!. Then woe to those who disbelieve [in the Islamic Monotheism] from the Fire!

Verse 28 - "Shall We treat those who believe [in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism] and do the righteous good deeds as Mufsidum[those who associate partners in worship with Allah and create crimes] on earth! Or shall We treat the Muttaqun [the pious - as the Fujjar [criminals, disbelievers, the wicked].

The surah Sad verse 27 clearly cited that Allah SWT has created not the earth but heaven and so do all that lies between in vain for the creatures living on this earth. The believers Muslim, therefore are to faithfully abide and uphold steadfastly faith in religion Islam. Belief the Creator Allah be sincere SWT and His Messenger, Holy Book [Al-Qur'an] and the last messages brought by Prophet [s.a.w]. The disbelievers should be aware of the Hellfire arrogance. In the other version of verse 28, Muslims would encounter Allah the Exalted in the Hereafter and will face His just Judgement and rewards. On the Judgement Day his wealth and property an off-springs [spouses and children] are neither be of benefit except for those who meet Allah SWT who possess good deeds, faithful obedient and clean heart. They would surely receive heavenly rewards in the Hereafter.

Further more, the vital announcing of declaration of faith [syahadah] should be sincere in one's heart such as "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad [s.a.w] is the Messenger of Allah." The undermentioned are the basic belief of Muslim falls into six categories of Faith:

1) Faith in the Unity of God.
2) Faith in Angels.
3) Faith in Prophets.
4) Faith in the Book of revelation.
5) Faith in the Afterlife.
6) Faith in Destiny/divine decree.

Finally, as said earlier the true faith of the revelation of God and the declaration of the faith combine with the inner conviction of the heart. In other words, it is the faith of the individual Muslim that decide on the Day of Judgement whether he would enter Paradise or Hell [Fire]. This belief of faith is essential to salvation. One who follow the footstep of the Prophet [s.a.w] [exemplary character] Allah SWT sent him for the Muslims to follow his guidance, he would be surely nearest to Him in the Day of Resurrection.

Allah is All-Hearer and All-Knower.