Wednesday, May 23, 2012

LIFE and DEATH is absolutely from ALLAH SWT

Adapted from the article by Faroog-i-Azam Malik, the meaning of Al-Qur'an for the guidance of Mankind, I would add my brief opinions and a retrospective study of the writing for the reminder of the Muslims that life and death is absolutely in the Hand of Allah SWT. In my recent two articles I wrote about the Al-Qadar that literary means the Predestination and Life cannot be postponed which are stipulated in one of the Al-Quran and Surah Al-Qamar verse 49 below:

Surah Al-Qaamar verse 49:

"Divine Preordain of all before the creation as written in the Book of Decree Ah-Lauth Al-Mahfuz."

From the above verse we should believe that Life and Death is absolutely from Allah SWT.

Let us observe and make a close reflection from another surah Al-Imran verse 156 to 158 below:

Surah Al-Imran verses 156 to 158:  (The Family of Imran)

Verse 156 - "O you who believe! Be not like those who disbelieve [hypocrites] and who say to their brethren when they travel trough the earth or go to fight. If they have stayed with us, they would not have died or been killed, so that Allah may make it a cause of regret in their hearts. It is Allah that gives life and causes death. And Allah is All-Seer of what you do."

Verse 157:- "And if you are killed or die in the Way of Allah, forgiveness and mercy from Allah are far better they all that they amass [of worldly wealth]".

Verse 158: - "And whether you die, or are killed, verily, unto Allah you shall be gathered."

Those three verses from the Al-Qur'an surah Al-Imran are vividly related to those Muslims have to sustain death in their life whether they go for the holy war or not, so life and death is absolutely in the Hand of Allah SWT. Even though, the disbelievers warned the Muslim believers, if only they stayed with them, they would not been killed or died in such a holy war. They would never regret should they understand and believe that only Allah SWT can give life and cause death to all human being. Allah SWT has enjoined that Muslims who were killed and died for the cause of Allah SWT, forgiveness and mercy would be accorded to them and ultimately heavenly reward would be given to them in the Hereafter. This will go far better than all the riches and wealth they have gathered in the world.

There are two reasons relating to the life and death:

[1] There is no escape from death.
[2] Those who are killed in the path of Allah SWT are not dead but alive.

Finally, that remind us all the Muslims whether died or been killed, and all of us will be brought for the Judgement before Allah SWT during the Last Day in the Hereafter.

Allah is All-Seer, Off-Forgiveness and Most Forbearing.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Allah's Blessing bestow upon Muslims with His Grace and Mercy

Elaborating in this column, I would like to highlight why people seldom reject Allah's Blessing who bestow upon them with His Grace and Mercy. Let us ponder for a while why such people seem not to accept Allah's Blessing. In this connection, before we refer to the verses in Al-Qur'an, we look at the historical heritage what was happening during the Rasool's era who totally reject Allah's Blessing bestowed upon them. This historical episode surfaced in the small town of Yamen. As for our guidance, let us refer to the two verses in Al-Qur'an surah Saba verse 15 and An-Nahl verse 18. As a guidance and example in the first surah of Saba verse 15 and followed surah An-Nahl verse 18 for the observation and guide-line for the right thinking people of Allah's Blessing bestowed upon the mankind.

Surah Saba verse 15: [Saba]

"Indeed there was for Saba [Sheba] a sign in their dwelling place - two gardens on the right hand and on the left, [and it was said to them] "Eat of the provision of your Lord and grateful to Him." A fair land and an Off-Forgiving Lord!

This surah in Al-Quran verse 15 related the true happening in the historical episode of the people of Saba, presently a town in Yamen who reject Allah's Blessing bestowed upon them. Allah SWT blessed their dwelling which He told to enjoy living luxuriously in the two gardens that Allah SWT has bestow upon them. In spite of the fact, they should thank Allah SWT but instead they purportedly did not heed and disobey Allah's SWT Blessing. Without warning, Allah SWT then converted the two gardens with gardens producing bitter fruits, tamarisks and a few lote bushes. Although Allah SWT did not punish them but they were ungrateful, Allah SWT replace their town and their journey insecurity because they were ungrateful, Allah SWT punished and dispersed them in scattered fragments.

So, Muslims should be reminded and learned the consequent of the sad episode as regard of the people's disobedient and ungrateful to Allah's SWT Blessing because He is watching over all things on this earth. As it is actually occurred and befallen upon the people of Syria and Palestine in the past, let us then refer to another surah An-Nahl verse 18:

Surah An-Nahl verse 18 (The Bees)

"And if you would count the favours of Allah, never could be able to count them. Trully! Allah is Off-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

The verse 18 therein surah An-Nahl prescribe that it is impossible to count the number of favours Allah SWT has bestowed on us. From the religious points of view, we should know that the favours of Allah SWT can be of a material, spiritual and moral nature. The material blessings of Allah SWT the bestowed and are given to all creatures out of compassion. So Allah SWT knows what we conceal and what we reveal.

Take for example the relatively simple action of breathing which we take them of thousand times a day with a non-stop breathing in order to survive. And this integral action bestowed upon us with relative comfort our soul with freedom and no cost. This is definitely the example of the blessings of Allah SWT bestowed upon us.

We should have the ability to think clearly that Allah SWT tremendous and countless favours and blessings He has offered to us during our life time. He is the embodiment of wealth and we are regarded as destitute and Allah SWT is the Possessor of everything. So, in our life we are in dire need of Him because He is so Generous that whether we show gratitude to Him or not. Allah SWT still bestow upon us and yet we find there are some short-sighted people who believe the blessings of Him are the result of his hard work he achieve himself.

Material blessing are bestowed to all Muslims as well as the non-Muslims alike. There are some people use their material aquisition for good or other evil things. But those who are guided and understanding of disbursing their wealth for good deeds will ultimately gain tremendous benefits and trully blessed by Allah SWT and would receive heavenly reward in the Hereafter.

Finally, Let us observe and quote the other surah An-Nahl verse 96 whereby Allah SWT said: "What is with you, must vanish. And will and certainly bestow on those who patiently preserve the rewards to the best of the action,

Blessing of Allah out of Grace and Mercy.

Monday, May 21, 2012


In my recent article I have tried to relate the vital part of Muslim's obligation of performing the Hajj and Umrah during the pilgrimage to Mecca. In this brief writing I would continue to highlight the remarkable doing the Safa and Marwah because they are truly regarded as the Syambol of Allah SWT. In this connection, let us observe in the Al-Qur'an surah Al-Baqarah verse 158:

Surah Al-Baqarah verse 158: (The Cow)

"Verily! As-Safa and Al-Marwah [two mountains in Makkah] are of symbols of Allah. So it is not a sin on him who performs Hajj and Marwah [pilgrimage] of the House [the Ka'bah at Makkah] to perform the going [Tawaf] between them [As-Safa and Al-Marwah]. And whoever does good voluntarily, then verily, Allah is All-Recogniser, All-Knower."

From the verse therein surah Al-Baqarah cited to command the Muslims to hold steadfastly to perform the Sai' that is the Safa and Merwah, the walks seven times back and forth between the two hills of Safa and Marwah. The Sai' is required to be done as soon as one has completed performing the Tawaf that is walks seven times counter-wise around the Ka'bah.

As to elaborate further, Safa and Marwah are situated between the two hills in the sacred Mosque. The pilgrims are compelled to fervency believe that Safa and Marwah are truly the symbol of Allah SWT. So, those Muslims who perform the Hajj and Umrah must take the opportunity to complete the walks between the Hills of Safa and Marwah which is said the distance of six hundred meters and to walk back and forth. As soon as one has completed the ritual of Sai', the pilgrims would suppose to do hair cutting which is the last step to perform. Allah SWT regarded and pleased to those grateful Muslims and they will be heavenly rewarded in the Hereafter.

Finally, the Muslims pilgrims should believe that Safa and Marwah are among the emblem of Allah SWT. It is therefore, no sin for those who perform Hajj and Umrah in the House of Allah SWT [Ka'bah] to ritual walk to and forth between the two hills and Allah SWT knows and appreciate one who does grateful with willing heart.

`Allah is Off-Thankful, Goodness and Know.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Men and Women enjoined to forbid Evils in Religion Islam

Adapted from article the, meaning of Al-Qur'an for the guidance of mankind, I would humbly try to write in this brief column the topical of utmost interest regarding that Men and Women are protectors of one another and are responsible enjoined to forbid anything of evil doings in our religion Islam. This is stipulated and prescribed the two verses in surah Al-Qur'an At- Taubah verses 71 and 72 mentioned below:

Surah At-Taubah verses 71 and 72: (The Repentance)

Verse 71 - "The believers, men and women are Aulya [helpers' supporters, friends, protectors] of one another, the enjoin [on the people] Al-Ma'aruf [i.e Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do], and forbid, and all [people] from Munkar [i.e polytheism and disbelief of all kinds, and all that Islam forbidden], they perform As-Salat [Iqamat-as-Salat], and give the Zakat, and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah will have His Mercy on them. Surely Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise".

Verse 72- "Allah has promised the believers - men an women - Garden under which rivers flow to dwell therein forever and beautiful mansions in Garden of 'Adn [Eden Paradise]. But the greatest bliss is the God Pleasure of Allah. That is the supreme success."

From the two verses therein surah At-Taubah cited that men and women are compelled to one another to heed the people to perform the Al-Ma'aruf that is Islamic Monotheism and all Islam order to do. They are also to forbid Al-Munkar that is polytheism and disbelief of all kind and that Islam has forbidden. They are to perform and establish Prayer [Solat], pay Zakat and obey Allah SWT and His Messenger. Obviously, they are considered as the faithfully Muslims on whom Allah SWT will have His Mercy and would be heavenly rewarded in the Hereafter.

Allah SwT has promised that both Men and Women Gardens beneath which rivers flow elegantly whereby they will live there forever. In addition, they will be rewarded with beautiful mansion in the these gaden of everlasting bliss and enjoyment.

Finally, being offered the highest and honourable rewards, they will have the good pleasure of Allah SWT. So, it is ultimately the rewards for those obedience Muslim believers men and women will regard the receiving the highest achievement in the Hereafter.

Allah is All-Mighty And All-Wise.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Obedient Muslims should abstain from Shirk and Idolatry in religion Islam

Living around in multiracial and religious community,some Muslims nowdays tend to be slacken and loose faith in their religion albeit they know and realize that Shirk and Idolatry would violate and nullified their religion Islam. Let us observe and refer to surah Al-Qur'an An-Nisa verses 48 and 116 mentioned below:

Verse 48: - "Verily, Allah forgives not the partners to be set up with Him [in worship], but He forgives except that [anything else] to whom He wills, and whoever set up partners with Allah in worship, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin."

Verse 116: - "Verily! Allah forgive not [sin of] setting up partners [in worship] with Him, but He forgives whom He wills sins other than that, and whoever sets partners in worship with Allah, has strayed far away."

The above two verses in surah An-Nisa cited and strictly reminded the Muslims that Shirk and Idolatry Allah SWT will never and not at all forgive the sins committed. Shirk and idolatry in other context means that disbelievers likely to worship and co-share with Allah SWT that deviate the practice of Islamic true religion. In the essence of worship and make partner with Allah SWT is obviously violate in our religion Islam. It is quite clear that whoever enjoin the practice of shirk and idolatry, he is nullified as a Muslim. This is to say that their deception, disbelievers who associate partners with Allah SWT, their abodes are in the Hell Fire which nobody will able to help them in the Hereafter.

Further more, there is other minor shirk which is greatly forbidden in our religion Islam that is the act of idolatry by Muslims. Idolatry in this respect is another form of shirk which is a similarity one worship of idol other than Allah SWT. Disbelievers in this respect totally deny that Allah SWT has created him and say that someone has created him not Allah SWT. It is sinful one consider something similar to Allah SWT and other creatures and idols. Numerous types of disobedience in particular several innovation one practiced which are sinful that lead to the wrath of Allah SWT instead to abide upon what our Messenger Prophet s.a.w has conveyed from Allah SWT.

Here are the summary of our religious fundamental principal regarding the forbidden practice of Shirk and Idolatry in religion Islam:

[1] Other form of worship - It includes the calling upon the dead to seek the assistant and offering sacrifice to taking vows in their names.

[2] Prophet Guidance - To believe and say that the Prophet guidance is not complete and perfect and believe that other people's ruling and judgement are better than Him.

[3] Ridicule anythings in Islam - Muslims believe that good deeds are rewarded while the disbelievers who ridicule the tenets and pillars of Islam would receive punishment in the Hereafter.

[4] To forsake the Law of Islam - Those people who try to forsake the law of Islam are disbelievers. They turn away stubbornly the teaching of Islam and so do reject and decline to follow the truth and straight path of Islam.

Finally, let us refer to the Prophet once said:

"I only your minor Idolatry? The Companion ask: What is minor idolatry?" He replies: "Ostentation." `
[Iman Ahmed Masud - 23119]

From this Hadith, the word 'ostentation' is person's display of anythings or idols instead of Allah SWT. There are people who worship idols especially the disbelievers and have partners with false God. They worship and display shirk [innovation] and idolatry which are greatly forbidden and sinful for the Muslims to practice in this day today living. So, avoid shirk and idolatry in our life as Muslims in our Religion Islam.

Allah is Hearer and Knower.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Restrain to ward off evil deeds and the hardship of life of Muslims.

Adapted from the reading of article from the Islamic Scholar, Dr. Yusof Al-Qaradhawi, I would try to pen down as to prescribe with my knowledge regarding the sole benefit of Prayer in order to restrain from the evil deeds and also to ward off the hardship of life that sometimes surfaced in the daily of the living of the Muslims. Let us then refer to the two surah in Al-Qur'an A-Ankabut verse 45 and surah Al-Baqarah verse 153 stipulated below:

Surah Al-Ankabut verse 45: (The Spider).

"Recite [O Muhammad s.a.w what has been revealed to you of the Book [the Qur'an], and perform As-Salat [Iqamat-as-Salat], Verily, As-Salat [the Prayer] prevents from Al-Fashd' [i.e great sins of every kind, unlawful sexual intercourse] and Al-Munkar [i.e disbelief. polytheism, and every kind of evil wicked deed] and the remembering [praising] of [you by] Allah [in front of angels] is greater indeed [than you remembering [praising] of Allah in prayers. And Allah knows what you do."

From the above verse 45 Al-Ankabut as revealed, we are commanded to establish Prayer[solat] the optional and the five daily congregation prayers. Obviously, they will keep away from shameful and evil deeds and truly we are to remember Allah SWT because He is the All-Knower and rewarded what we do. So the optional and the obligatory prayers we perform are truly meant to strengthen our moral and in as much as possible to avoid and restrain us from the evil deeds. As it is worthy of note, it is our conscience to avoid and discard the shameful evil deeds which would ultimately enable us to ward off the hardship of life in our daily living. To achieve this, it is the only straight path we are required to establish and perform the prayers sincerely and always remember Allah SWT in every hour of the day in our daily living.

In another surah Al-Baqarah verse 153 duly cited that the only beneficial method to restrain or avoid the evil misdeeds and consequently to ward off hardship of life as mentioned earlier, is to perform Solat [prayer]. Here, it is narrated in Al-Qur'an surah Al-Baqarah verse 153 stipulated below:

Surah Al-Baqarah verse 153: (The Cow).

"Therefore remember Me [by praying, glorifying]. I will remember you, and be grateful to Me [my countless Favours on you] and never ungrateful to Me".

From the 153 surah Al-Baqarah it briefly stipulated that performing prayers and to seek Allah SWT Mercy, He is very grateful and please to those Muslim who is patient and perseverance should one encounter any difficulties and hardship of life insist and hold steadfastly that Allah SWT will enjoin us with As-Sabirun [the patient]. This is the true principal to seek Allah's help and heavenly rewards.

Finally, Prayer [Solat] is meant not only to ward off the nature of one's hardship of life but nevertheless it is also able to straighten our moral and conduct self motivation to seek the righteous path and to avert against evil deeds. So, seek help with Prayer and Allah SWT is with those who are patience.

Allah is All-Mighty and All-Merciful.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Obligation of Muslims to recite and Memorize Al-Quran in Prayer

In my recent writing, I wrote about the performing of subversiveness prayer [Solat] and this time with my knowledge I would try to highlight this vital part of Muslim's obligation to be able to recite and memorizing the Al-Qur'an especially in the establish of our five daily Prayers. First and foremost, let us observe in Al-Qur'an surah Al-Waq'ah as stipulated in verses 77, 78 and 79 as mentioned below:

Surah Al-Waq'ah 77 - 79: [The Event].

Verse 77 - "That [this] is indeed an honourable recitation [the Noble Qur'an]".

Verse 78 - " In a Book well-guarded [with Allah in heaven i.e Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz]".

Verse 79 - "Which [that Book with Allah] none touch but the purified [i.e the angels]."

The above three verses from surah Al-Waq'ah narrated that Al-Qur'an is a Holy and Glorious Book, well-guarded and none can touch except the purified angels because Al-Qur'an is exclusively is the Book of Allah. Absolutely, the Al-Qur'an literally means the recitation the religious text of Islam which is composed of Verses that make the 114 chapters [surah] at unequal length which is classified as MECCA and MADINAH as depending on the places of revelation. Muslims believe the Al-Qur'an to be verbally read by the Angel [Jibreal] from God to the last of Prophet s.a.w. In spite of the fact the Glorious Al-Qur'an is absolutely from the Allah SWT sent to our Prophet s.a.w through the Angel commanded to recite and establish our five daily congregation prayer [solat]. In our religion Islam, that is why the verses in Al-Qur'an are vital and required to be memorized and recited in our optional or congregation prayers of the Muslims. As verses in Al-Qur'an are to be recited and memorized to those who perform the prayers should be well aware of the correct pronunciation of words and sound accordingly during prayer time because it is a mandatory in our religion. Further more, a Muslim is required to memorize and learn at least some of the verse and surah of Al-Qur'an typically starting with the first surah [Al-Fatihah] and then moving to recite the starter one to the end of the surah.

I conclude, the important of the actual propose of Prayer is to act as a person's communication with and remembrance of Allah SWT. The opening of Al-Qur'an [Al-Fatihah] is required to recite in our prayers. Muslims who prostrate in prayer before Allah SWT, to thank, praise Him and ask for guidance doing the straight Path.

Solat [Prayer] is cited as a means of restraining the believers from social wrong, misdeeds and moral deviancy.

Prophet s.a.w once said: "So, exactly similar in the effect of Solat offered five times a day, with the Grace of Allah SWT, it washes away all sins."
(Bakhari, Muslim).

"Solat expiate all Sins committed by Muslims".

Saturday, May 12, 2012

HAJJ and UMRAH (Pilgrimage to MECCA)

In this column, I would humbly like to elaborate the subject of Hajj and Umrah following my recent written writing concerning the Muslims pilgrimage to Mecca to perform Hajj which is in our religion the Fifth Pillar of Islam. There are numerous verses in Al-Qur'an and let us observe one of the surah Al-Baqarah verse 196:

Surah Al-Baqarah verse 196:[The Cow]

"And perform properly [i.e all the ceremonies according to way of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w], the Hajj and Umrah [pilgrimage to Makkah] for Allah. But if you are prevented [from completing them], sacrifice a Hardy [animal, i.e sheep, a cow, a camel], such as you can afford and do not shave your heads until the Hardy reaches the place of sacrifice. And whoever of you is ill or has an ailment in his scalp [necessitating shaving], he must pay a Fidyah [ransom] of either observing Sawn, [fast for three days] or giving Sadaqah [charity]- feeding six poor persons] or offering sacrifice [one sheep]. Then if you are in safety and whoever performs the Umrah in the month s of Hajj, before [performing] the Hajj, [i.e Hajj-at-Tamattu an Al-Qiran], he must slaughter a Hardy such as he can afford, but if he cannot afford, he should observe Saum [fast], three days during the Hajj and seven days after he return [to his home], making ten days in all. This is for him whose family is not prese.nt at Al-Masjid-Al-Haram [i.e not the resident of Makkah]. And fear Allah much and know that Allah is Severe in punishment.

From the above surah Al-Baqarah verse 196, those while those are going to perform Hajj and Umrah are reminded to complete the Hajj obligatory pilgrimage to Makkah while Umrah is the Optional visit to Makkah are solely for the cause of Allah SWT. So as to take the benefits and advantages of performing of Hajj and Umrah together, one should offer and make sacrifice which he can afford, but if he lack the means, he should fast for three days during the period of performing the Hajj and seven days on his return home making the total of ten days fasting in his home town. One should then be utmost fearful to Allah and know that Allah SWT is strict in retribution.

Allah SWT has given the Muslims a Qiblah, the direction of Prayer where we are required to face to establish our Prayer [Solat] and offer Supplication [ Doa'] wherever we are. We should duly understand and hold steadfastly some etiquette and behaviour such as refrain our tongue, slanderous abusing others while performing our Hajj and Umrah. In spite of the fact we should absolutely have the correct knowledge and with sincere intention to perform the Hajj or Umrah in Makkah once in our lifetime. Fostering good attitude and avoiding everything that can be nullified the Hajj, social and sexual relation, senseless talkings and arguing with other Muslims while performing Hajj and Umrah.

Further more, those who have the good intention to pilgrimage to Makkah to perform the Hajj should be physically and mentally fit and healthy good health condition. It is advisably to every Muslims to take the early steps that is for example to save the money to later finance the journey the pilgrimage to Mecca for the purpose of performing the Hajj and Umrah at an early age. As performing the Hajj is quite hazardous for the old aged people in complicated poor health conditions, it is appropriated for the young Muslims to perform the Hajj or Umrah which compel and require them to complete the Tawaf, [walk seven times counter-wise around the Ka'abah], Sai, [the walk of seven times back and forth between till of Safa and Marwah, journey to Arafat and Mina to throw eight pebbles in a ritual storming the Devils. The pilgrims then have to shave their heads and prepare a ritual of animal sacrifice and finally celebrate the three days festival of Eid-Adha.

I conclude to summarize that performing the Hajj in Mecca once in the lifetime to those Muslims who can financially afford the journey. As Hajj is the act of demonstration of solidarity of the Muslim of all races and creeds. Muslims performing the Hajj has the sole aim in their submission of Allah SWT alone. As for the performing of Umrah, Muslims can perform at any time of the year and is regarded as an Optional for the Muslims to do so. Performing Hajj and Umrah, Muslims are reminded to hold steadfastly abide to do Ihram, Tawaf, Sai' are to be completed while hair cutting and shaving as a norm and a last step to perform.

Hajj and Umrah with correct religious tenets and etiquette Allah Will expiate the Sins.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Misconstrue the word of Permission (Izin) and Approval (Redza) in ISLAM

Adapted from the article of Islamic Scholar on the subject of words Permission (Izin) and Approval (Redza), I would pen down my opinion on some additional understanding about the meaning of the two literary words on the assumption as a layman writer. Let us observe the narrated in Al-Qur,an surah IBRAHIM verse 7 and surah Fatir verse 8 mentioned below:

Surah Fatir verse 8: (The Origial of Creation of the Angels)

"Is he, then, to whom the evil of his deeds is made fair-seeming, so that he considers it is good (equal to one who is rightly guided) Verily, Allah sends astry whom He will, and guide the whom He wills. So not destroy not yourself (O Muhammad s.a.w) in sorrow for them. Truly, Allah is the All-Knower of what the do!"

The above verse cited that Allah SWT is All-Knower of what the believers do whether seemingly do the evil deeds that he considers is equal to other people doing good deeds. Allah SWT will justify of whom do egood or evil deeds and guide not and destroy them who go astray. Prophet s.a.w was told by Allah SWT not to sad and sorrow for the pains haunt them.

Surah Ibrahim verse 7: (Abraham)

"And (remember), when your Lord proclaimed, "If you gives thanks (by accepting Faith and worshipping none but Allah), I will give you more (of My Blessings), but if you are thankless (i.e disbelievers), verily My punishment is indeed severe".

From the verse asserted to remind wherever we gave thanks, accepting Faith and worshipping none but Allah. Allah will then approve acceptance our Faith. Thankful permissions from the people should be sincerely hence permission does not compel or follow by approval. So every Muslims should be aware and avoid using the words accordingly. To avoid the confusion among the Muslims that need not to be so convoluted not to confuse using the two words of approval and permission as define literacy in our language as Izin and Redza of Allah SWT. In other words, Allah SWT said if the Muslim believers are grateful, He Will with His approval will add (favour) countless benefits, but if they are ungrateful and unapproval, they will face the punishment in the Hereafter.

Finally, Muslims should able to realize that the word of approval [redza] is solely is from Allah SWT. The usage of the words permission [izin] is sometimes undertake by the people who are lackadaisical in their daily living.

Allah is All-Knower and All-Wise.