Living around in multiracial and religious community,some Muslims nowdays tend to be slacken and loose faith in their religion albeit they know and realize that Shirk and Idolatry would violate and nullified their religion Islam. Let us observe and refer to surah Al-Qur'an An-Nisa verses 48 and 116 mentioned below:
Verse 48: - "Verily, Allah forgives not the partners to be set up with Him [in worship], but He forgives except that [anything else] to whom He wills, and whoever set up partners with Allah in worship, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin."
Verse 116: - "Verily! Allah forgive not [sin of] setting up partners [in worship] with Him, but He forgives whom He wills sins other than that, and whoever sets partners in worship with Allah, has strayed far away."
The above two verses in surah An-Nisa cited and strictly reminded the Muslims that Shirk and Idolatry Allah SWT will never and not at all forgive the sins committed. Shirk and idolatry in other context means that disbelievers likely to worship and co-share with Allah SWT that deviate the practice of Islamic true religion. In the essence of worship and make partner with Allah SWT is obviously violate in our religion Islam. It is quite clear that whoever enjoin the practice of shirk and idolatry, he is nullified as a Muslim. This is to say that their deception, disbelievers who associate partners with Allah SWT, their abodes are in the Hell Fire which nobody will able to help them in the Hereafter.
Further more, there is other minor shirk which is greatly forbidden in our religion Islam that is the act of idolatry by Muslims. Idolatry in this respect is another form of shirk which is a similarity one worship of idol other than Allah SWT. Disbelievers in this respect totally deny that Allah SWT has created him and say that someone has created him not Allah SWT. It is sinful one consider something similar to Allah SWT and other creatures and idols. Numerous types of disobedience in particular several innovation one practiced which are sinful that lead to the wrath of Allah SWT instead to abide upon what our Messenger Prophet s.a.w has conveyed from Allah SWT.
Here are the summary of our religious fundamental principal regarding the forbidden practice of Shirk and Idolatry in religion Islam:
[1] Other form of worship - It includes the calling upon the dead to seek the assistant and offering sacrifice to taking vows in their names.
[2] Prophet Guidance - To believe and say that the Prophet guidance is not complete and perfect and believe that other people's ruling and judgement are better than Him.
[3] Ridicule anythings in Islam - Muslims believe that good deeds are rewarded while the disbelievers who ridicule the tenets and pillars of Islam would receive punishment in the Hereafter.
[4] To forsake the Law of Islam - Those people who try to forsake the law of Islam are disbelievers. They turn away stubbornly the teaching of Islam and so do reject and decline to follow the truth and straight path of Islam.
Finally, let us refer to the Prophet once said:
"I only your minor Idolatry? The Companion ask: What is minor idolatry?" He replies: "Ostentation." `
[Iman Ahmed Masud - 23119]
From this Hadith, the word 'ostentation' is person's display of anythings or idols instead of Allah SWT. There are people who worship idols especially the disbelievers and have partners with false God. They worship and display shirk [innovation] and idolatry which are greatly forbidden and sinful for the Muslims to practice in this day today living. So, avoid shirk and idolatry in our life as Muslims in our Religion Islam.
Allah is Hearer and Knower.
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