Thursday, August 2, 2012

Ways of Avoiding the Deviation of Aqeedah.

In my recent article, I elaborate at length the matter of Aqeedah in respect of deviation that would nullified the faith of our religion Islam. In this column I would try to pen down briefly to describe the righteous ways of avoiding the deviation of the said Aqeedah. Let us observe and refer to one of the verse 89 from surah An-Nahl mentioned below:

Surah An-Nahl verse 89: (The Bees)

"And [remember] the Day when We shall raise up from every nation a witness against them for among themselves. And We shall bring you [O Muhammad s.a.w] as witness against these.. And We have sent down to you the Book [the Qur'an] as an exposition of everything, a guidance, a mercy, and glad tidings for those who have submitted themselves [to Allah as Muslims]."

From the above verse cited  that the Al-Qur'an is the authenticity and  well preserved Holy Book that exposed  a plain statement for mankind, a guidance and good tidings to those who are Al-Muttaqun the pious who have submitted themselves to Allah SWT as Muslims. As stipulated in the verse 89 in surah An-Nahl that Allah SWT sent down the Holy Book to the Muslims in order they would endeavour to seek the guidance from the Al-Qur'an the correct ways to avoid the deviation of Aqeedah . The truth is that the Al-Qur'an has dully explain everything for the abomination the evil misdeeds and a blessing of the good deeds  for the Muslim believers.

Further more, the other criteria as to the avoiding the deviation is the important of learning and  abide by the guidance that lead to the righteous and correct aqeedah for example the guidance and study of 'salafus-salih' at differant educational level or organizing the study of pure books of salifu-salih and staying away from the book of like sufis, the innovation as to reflect the ways of falsehood.

Finally, as stipulated in numerous verses in Al-Qur'an the only ways to avoid the deviation is to hold steadfastly the commandment of Allah SWT as well as the guidance of the Sunnah of His Messenger Prophet Muhammad s.a.w to strive and  perform the righteous and correct belief [Aqeedah].

Correct Aqeedah is the Blessing og Allah SWT.

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