This time in this fine morning of the day, I would humbly try to write about the important of submissiveness[Khusu'] in Prayer in our religion Islam. As Prayer is the obligation for every Muslims to perform and to abide obediently because the prayers are essentially vital in the case of first pillar of religion Islam. I would like to elaborate as to my understanding as a religious layman why we are required to observe strictly to these obligatory prayer whether the are the optional or non-optional prayers to observe and perform in the life as a Muslim.
The first responsibility one's to attain the important part of the submissive
[khusu'] of prayer, a Muslim is required after pronouncing the 'shahadah' is to solah [prey] which is a primary as stated earlier the pillar of Islam. Abandonment of prayers will negate a person's religion Islam. In other words , neglecting and without observing solah [prayer] one's becomes 'kafir' [non-Muslim].
Prayer[Solah] is a comprehensiveness of Islamic worship. It encompasses the Muslim worship Allah SWT not only by his tongue, body, mind or senses, each one separately, but he uses these elements all together at one time. The tongue is for reciting the prayers, the body for fasting and fighting in the cause of Allah SWT [Jihad], the mind for contemplation and the senses are all used for obeying and pleasing Allah SWT.
To go further, there are numerous verses in the Al-Qur'an and reports in Hadith regarding the obligatory prayer. As a reference, underneath are two selected verses and a Report of the Sunnah Rasulullah:
Surah Al-Baqarah verse 238: (The Cow)
"Guard strictly [five obligatory] As-Salawat [the prayers] especially the middle salat [i.e the prayer - Asr]. And stand before Allah with obedience [and do not speak to others during the Solat [prayer]."
Surah Al-Baqarah verses 3-5: (The Cow)
Verse 3: "Who believe in the Ghaib and perform As-Solat and spend out of what we have provided for them [i.e give Zakat spend on themselves, their parents, their children, their wives, etc., and also give charity to the poor and also and also in Allah's Cause - Jihad]."
Verse 4: "And who believe in [the Qur'an and the Sunnah] which has been sent down [reveal] to you [Muhammad s.a.w] and in which we sent down before you [the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel), etc] And they believe with certainty in the Hereafter [Resurrection, recompense of their good and bad deeds, Paradise and Hell]."
Verse 5: "They are on [true] guidance from their Lord, and they are the successful."
Hadith narrated by Jabir - (Book 8 Number 394):
"Allah's Apostle used to pray (optional, non-obligatory prayer) while riding on his mount [Rohila] wherever it burned, and wherever he wanted to prey the compulsory prayer he dismounted and prayed facing the Qibla.
The above verses in Al-Qur'an and a Hadith narrated and recorded by Jabir have placed great important upon the performance of prayers not only observe the prayer sincerely but mentally and spiritual acts as well. In other context, Muslims should uphold steadfastly to show devotion and obedience to Allah SWT alone because it is one of the greatest of worship that Allah SWT please and like his servants to offer. What is important of prayer in the life and Afterlife of the Muslims.
Solat [Prayer] is a compulsory form of worship which is like the exercise toward which men are attracted with interested and willingness to follow. Should he understand as a divine obligatory prayer, he would offer and observe continuously so that his life might be free from all diseases and body might be healthy and strong. The Holy Al-Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet, showed the true proof of this realities of the prayers. When Allah SWT commanded the compulsory prayers to be established, stated its wisdom in the way 'Prayer prohibit obscurity and evils'.
As a Muslim who observes the obligatory prayer should be reminded and forbid to do notorious crime and vice. As a hindrance to commit the negative vice, a person's prayer should be sincere to Allah SWT as well as not to show of, agnostic and pride in his prayer. Such prayer is considered could not give any effect on the social and character building that could not avoid and save themselves from doing the evil deeds.
Worship to Allah SWT alone in a true sense is the prayer with sincere and humble heart and do appreciate everything that is worthiness in such obligatory prayer as ordained by Allah SWT. As a consequence prayer is able to educate the development of the faithfully Muslim character with the cleanliness of spiritual soul and mind of a human being. Generally the constant practice of healthy cleanliness of body and clothing, prayer is able to dispose off the dirt of sins whoever mistakenly committed unconsciously in their every day life. In this respect the prayer would give the opportunity for everyone Muslims seeking forgiveness and repentance from Allah SWT for any evil deeds committed. In other words, He will expiate his sins without his knowledge in the Hereafter. The Al-Qur'an in surah Al-Ankabut verses 4-5 - "Surely Prayer would ward off abomination and evil."
Finally, I conclude that the vital part of submissiveness in prayer would enable a pious Muslim to lead the congregation prayer would ultimately give a guideline the important of Muslims unity in any State. In spite of the fact, prayer should be performed in a correct way which would attain the physical, ethical and spiritual gain such as cleanliness, health and punctual time as stipulated to observe and perform the five daily prayer diligently. Congregation prayer on every week end would create and strengthen the Muslims unity and consolidate the Ummah in the Muslim's Community.
Allah the All-Mighty, Compassionate an Most Merciful.
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