Adapted from the article of Islamic Ideology by Kurshid Ahmed, I would try to delve and write with a slight opinion why our religion Islam put a priority and constitute as a complete way of life in this temporary world. Let us refer to the two selected verses in surah Al-Qur'an Yusuf and Al-Haj underneath:
Surah Yusuf verse 40: (Prophet) Joseph]
"You do not worship besides Him but only names which you have named [forged] - you and your fathers - for which Allah has sent down no authority. The command [or the Judgement] is none but Allah. He has commanded that you worship none but Him [i.e Monotheism], that is the [true] straight religion, but men know not."
The above verse cited that there is no other God but Allah SWT. As we profess and uphold steadfastly our religion Islam we are commanded to worship Him alone and never deviate from the righteous path as laid down and revealed in Al-Qur'an. The religion of Islam is absolutely a true and straight religion where most unbelievers are ignorant to profess and abide this Islamic religion [Monotheism] where God has commanded to worship none other but Him. The command is from Allah SWT Who ordained that we must worship none but Him. That is the true faith, most disbelievers do not realize and know completely in our religion Islam.
Surah Al-Hajj verse 41: (The Pilgrimage)
"Those [Muslim rulers] who, if We give them power in the land, [they] enjoin Iqamat-as-Salat [i.e perform the five compulsory congregational Salat [prayers] [the male in the mosque], to pay the Zakat and they enjoin Al-Ma'ruf [i.e Islamic Monotheism and that Islam orders one to do] and forbid Al-Munkar [i.e disbelief, polytheism and all that Islam has forbidden] [i.e the make the Qur'an as the law of their countary in all their sphere of life]. And with Allah rests the end of [all] matters [of creatures]."
The above verse stipulated and prescribed the Muslims whatever their status as a Ruler or common people are commanded to perform the five congregational Solat [prayer] in the mosque and disburse the Zakat to the needy and also enjoin to do good instead of evil and misdeeds. They should heed and avoid all anythings that our religion Islam forbidden. They are required to comply and establish justice, uphold the Al-Qura'an and Sunnah and the Islamic Jurisprudence as the law of the country in all sphere of life. In other words, they are commanded to develop and establish the Islamic religion as a complete way of life for the Muslims in this temporary land of the State. Thus, Allah SWT created the earth so that people would enable to perform the obligatory prayers and pay Zakat to the poverty and administered all proper justice and forbid evil deeds among the people. The final decision and Judgement is in the hand of Allah SWT in the Hereafter.
By advocating the religion Islam as a complete way of life, we should apprehend that it involved for all field of human existence. In spite of the fact, Islam provide guidance for all work walk of life individual and social, material and moral. Religion Islam occupies the development of economic and political, legal and cultural national and international in the world at large.
Should we were to refer to the Sunnah Rasulullah, the Prophet [pbuh] has once said:
"Every one of you as a keeper or a guidance and will be questioned about the well-being of the people of the State. Every man is a guidance of his family and will be answerable about the member of it. A woman is a guidance to the family of his husband and will be accountable for every member of it. And every servant is a guidance to his master and will be questioned about the property of his master.
From the aforementioned Hadith the saying of our Prophet [pbuh] clearly explain and simply asserted that spouse and family in the household are greatly responsible and answerable in the afterlife should they deviate to guide the family to the righteous path. This includes the engagement of servants, they would be answerable about the property and wealth of their masters. Nevertheless as head of the State, the Ruler as a keeper and guidance will be questioned about the well-being of the people he administered be it in every sphere of economy, political, legal and cultural of the State.
Finally, the religion of Islam encompasses the teachings and propagation of religious in all embracing the Islamic way of life which does not leave any fields of human existence to be the play ground for the Satanic cause. To conclude, the religion of Islam is the only chosen one, is a truly complete way of life for the Muslims on this Earth.
Religion Islam is the Guidance for Mankind
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