In my recent column I have tried to compile and delve about the vital Farewell Message of our Prophet s.a.w to all Muslims especially to the Pilgrims at Mount 'Arafat. I believe and would assume he has attended his last Hajj Pilgrimage and has the importance link to his exemplary character for Muslims to emulate and guidance in our every days lives accordingly to our specified religion Islam as ordained by Allah SWT. Let us then refer to one of the numerous verses of Al-Qur'an as stipulated in surah Al-Jumuah nerse 2:
Surah Al-Jumuah verse 2: (Friday)
"He it is Who sent among the unlettered ones a Messenger [Muhammad s.a.w] from among themselves, revealing the His Verses, purifying them [from the filth of the disbelief and polytheism], and teaching the Book [this Qur'an, Islamic laws and Islamic Jurisprudence] and Al-Hikmah [As-Sunnah, legal ways, orders, acts of worship of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. And verily, they had been before in manifest error."
From the above surah al-Jumuah verse 2, our Prophet s.a.w possess Leadership and Morality and exemplary character as a Messenger of Allah who never neglect to proclaim and recite verses of Al-Qur'an to the Muslim believers. With his teaching and guidance, he is able to purify the faith and obedience of the Muslims. He discharge his duties for the sake of Allah SWT. One of these is the Islamic Laws [Jurisprudence] some advise and guidelines and he also invoke to the Muslims and non-Muslim believers as well. Thus, his moral and exemplary character should be followed and emulated by Muslims and non-Muslim alike as according to the specified Sunnah Rasullullah.
As for the Muslim themselves, should obviously strive hard to emulate the Prophet's s.a.w exemplary characters. He is truly a modal protector both for his family and Muslims as a whole. That is why with his smiling face, joyful, countenance, considerate and affection for the faithful is the integral example of proper mentality and ideal model of humanity. He is always patient in the face of extreme and illogical behaviour from the strangers. The would sometimes grow angry and would calm them by saying:
"Guide them if you see anyone like that."
As for a Muslim himself, he should strive to follow and faithfully emulate the example of Prophet's wives for instant they are regarded as the mothers of the Muslim believers and a model of the Muslim's women. There is a considerable amount of information about the behaviours of faith of the Prophet's wives. They cared for him, the wisdom and excellent morality of him. These are prescribed in Al-Qur'an and reported in numerous Hadith Saheeh, the account of the life of our Prophet s.a.w.
Furthermore, we obliged to refer to 'Aishah [May Allah be pleased with her] was asked to describe about the character of Prophet s.a.w, she answered:
"His character was that of Al-Qur'an."
In other words, the Prophet s.a.w possess is the best ideal and value of Al-Qur'an. So, we Muslims should never not to follow the Hadith which would guide us the precious ways in which the Prophet's s.a.w examples from the Al-Qur'an's ideals. The undermentioned extract are summarize the exemplary life of the Prophet s.a.w:
1) His smiling face and kind treatment of everyone made him literally a father of the people. Everyone is equal in his sight.
2) He was cheerful, gentle and mild.
3) He was the softest and most kind to the people.
4) The Prophet s.a.w has directed his Companions to smile and said:
"Don't entertain to the people with your wealth but entertain them with smiling face with good conduct."
"Allah SWT knows the simple to those having smiling countenance."
Finally, Prophet s.a.w is indeed a Messenger of Allah and absolutely posses good example character whereby Muslims to follow and should strive to hold steadfastly so as to attain heavenly rewards during the Last Day in the Hereafter.
Obey His Messenger meant Obey Allah SWT.
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