Friday, June 1, 2012

The Farewell Pilgrimage Hajj - tu - Widah to Muslim Pilgrims

Adapted from the text, the Meaning of AL-Qur'an [The Guidance for Mankind] I would compile and write down in this column the greatest and honorable Pilgrimage of Farewell Message of our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w addressed to the Pilgrims at Mount 'Arafat. In his message, our Prophet s.a.w reminded us of the duties Islam enjoined upon us and that we would one day have to meet Allah SWT and would judge each of us accordingly to our good and evil deeds on this earth. Let us observe an extract of the address mentioned below:

"... I declare this truth that there is no god except Allah and I declare the truth that Muhammad is His servant and His messenger..."

O servants of Allah, I advise you to worship Him and I promise you to do so.

O People! Listen to me carefully as I speak clearly, for I do not think I will have the opportunity to meet you here after this year.

O People! Your blood and your property have been sanctified to one another ... just this month, this year, this day in this city are sanctified.

Beware that I have conveyed the word to you. O Allah! Be my Witness!

So whoever has anything in trust should return to its owner.

Amount of usury of the days of ignorance are remitted and first of I remit the claims of usury of my uncle 'Abas bin Abdul Muttalib...
Beware that I have conveyed the word, O Allah! Be my Witness!

O People! Your women have been given some right to respect of them.
It is incumbent on them to let no one enter their sleeping chambers except you do and do not let any one enter into your house whose entry is not liked by you. And they should commit any adultery .....

I am leaving two things, as long as you follow them, you will never go astray, and those are the Book of Allah [The Qur'an] and my Sunnah [What I said and what I did].

Beware that I have conveyed the word of Allah. O Allah! Be my Witness!

O People! Your God is one, and your ancestor is also one. You are all the progeny of Adam who was created from dust. The most respected before Allah amongst you is one who is most Godfearing. No Arab has preference over non-Arab over an Arab. Preference if any is on the basis of 'who fear Allah the most' ...

Those who are present here should convey these words to those who are absent. Possibly those who absent may remember and observe these things more carefully than those present.

O People! Allah has assigned a specific share of inheritance to each heir. To will more than one-third of one's property is not permitted.

The child belongs to one on whose bed [marriage] it is born, and the adultery shall be stoned."

Finally, from the last Farewell Message from our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, compel and reminded us as Muslims to obey all the duties Islam enjoined upon us and would one day meet Allah SWT in the Hereafter. The above extract Farewell Message is the last saying of our Prophet s.a.w:

"The day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favors upon you and have chosen Al-Islam as "The Way of Life for you".

Allah is All-Seer, Off-Forgiveness and Most Forbearing.

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