Saturday, July 28, 2012

Deviation from Aqeedah nullified one's from religion Islam

Recently in this usual column, I wrote about the understanding of Aqeedah in respect of believe and actions, I would continue try to elaborate the similar subject matter of which I call upon Muslims to realize that deviation from the Aqeedah will obviously nullified and negate one's religion Islam. Let us again refer to one of the numerous verses in Al-Qur'an surah Al-Mu'minum mentionen below:

Surah Al-Mu'minum verse 57 and 58: (The Believers)

"Verily those who live in awe for fear of their Lord; and those who believe in the Ayat  [proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelation, etc.] of their Lord."

From the above two brief verses prescribed clearly from Allah SWT in conformity with His revelation and evidences, that those Muslims who do accept and abide the true faith and do good deeds would be forgiven and heavenly rewarded but those who strayed against Allah SWT would be dragged into the Hell-fire. Those are the people disbelievers who do not at all have  the correct Aqeedah and deviate from it.

Further more, the deviation from the correct Aqeedah related to various causes from which Muslims should be aware off and consequently avoid the occurrence immediately. For the safeguard of Muslims from the deviation of the Aqeedah are mentioned below:

1)  Ignorance of the correct Aqeedah - Muslims who turn away from learning and teaching, lack of attention and contradict it as well as regarded to be falsehood and the falsehood to truth then they are recognized as Ignorance [Jaahiliyyah].

2)  Bigotry [Ttaa'ssub] towards their ancestors and adhering to even if it is false even it was the truth. They would follow what their fathers did without understanding anything nor did they got righteous guidance in their life.

3)  Blind - Follow ing [Taqleed by accepting people's statement in Aqeedah without knowing its proofs or level of authenticity, as is the of the Jahmiyyah, Mu'tazilah, Ash'aaris, Soofis and others whereby they blindly followed their scholars of deviation and thus, they were misguided and went astray from the correct belief.

4)  Extremism or Exaggeration [in honoring] the Awliyyaa' and Saaliheen [the righteous] and raisind them above their status where it is believed that they bring benefits and prevent harm, in a manner, which none have the ability except Allah SWT. Taking them as intermediaries between Allah SWT and His creation in fulfilling needs and answering the du'aa until the matter turns into their worship other then Allah SWT. In other words, seeking nearness to their tombs through sacrifice, vows, supplication, seeking aids and asking for help such as the grave-worshiping are absolutely forbidden in our religion Islam.

5)  Negligence in pondering over the universal and Qur'aanic Aayaat [proofs, evidences, revelation, etc.] of Allah SWT  fail to believe that the Grace of Allah SWT played a remarkable part in the life of the Muslims whereby they are overwhelmed by their own ability alone and dully forget their accomplishment,  endeavors and  attribute grace upon them by Allah SWT.

Finally, Muslims should ponder and look at the glory of SWT who create the universe and bestow upon the magnificent wonders and conform the ability to derive and utilize the benefits of the earth. Hence, we should establish da'awah [calls] for people and refute the misguidance of the deviant group of people in our religion Islam.

Allah SWT is Al-Mighty and Off-Forgiveness.    

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