In this usual column, I would like to refer to the Islamic scholar Shyakh Saalih Ibn Fauzan al-Fauzan in his writing in the Islamic way of Life regarding the 'Aqeedah at-Tawheed' that relates the Creed of Islamic Monotheism in our religion Islam. From therein knowledge I gather, the understanding of the 'Aqeedah' is an obligation and a priority in our religion and to those Muslims who deviate from it would absolutely nullified their religious Islam. Let us observe what the Al-Qur'an prescribed in surah Al-Kahf verse 110:
Surah Al-Kahf verse 110: (The Cave)
"Say (O Muhammad s.a.w): "I am only a man like you. It has been revealed to that your llah (God) is One llah (God) - i.e Allah). So whoever hopes for the Meeting with his Lord, let him work righteousness and associate none as a partner in the worship of his Lord."
From the above verse in Al-Qur'an in surah Al-Kahf is narrated that our Prophet s.a.w is just an ordinary human being but who has been specially sent down by Allah SWT to reveal and reaffirm that Allah SWT is the only One God where we are all going to meet Him in the Hereafter and later we all be judge of our good and evil deeds. The utmost important part is we have no other God we worship except Allah SWT alone. This is where Aqeedah ply a great part as regard to the worshiping of Him alone the only God Allah SWT.
Before we go any further we perceived that Aqeedah truly meant one to tie something firmly. In other words such as 'I tied my heart and mind to it', it is the Aqeedah is what a person takes as a religion and he has a good 'Aqeedah' meaning, 'protected from doubts'. So, Aqeedah is an action of the heart, which is to believe and affirm something in the heart.
Further, the true meaning of Aqeedah in Shariah is the believe in Allah SWT, His Angels, His Books, His Messenger, the Last and Judgement Day and believe in al-Qadar {Predestination] - its good and evil. They are called the Pillars of Faith [Eemaan]. Aqeedah is actually divided into two part that is 'Belief and Action'. As the factor of belief is closely related to action. Belief is in the Ruboobiyah [Lordship] of Allah SWT as an obligation to worship Him alone and the beliefs of all the rest of the aforementioned Pillars of Faith. They are the fundemental and principal of our religion Islam.
As in the second issue is the factor of Action is dully coordinated to Belief on the basis how the actions are perform. This is vital in view of the principal of Islamic tenets for instance the obligation of performing daily Solat, disbursing and pay of Zakat [Charity] and Sawn [Fasting] and also other rulings with regard to the believe and action and hold steadfastly to our religion Islam. These are termed as Far'iyyah [the branches] because it is based upon beliefs and devotion in the propagation of religion Islam.
Finally, I conclude that the worship of Allah SWT done by performing religious deeds sincerely for the cause of Allah's SWT sake. Surely, the religion Islam is the worship none other then Allah SWT alone and He has no partnership at all.
Sincere and Faithfully Obedient is for Allah SWT alone.
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