Adapted from the Al-Qur'an surah Al-Tahrim verse 8, I would like to pen down concerning the sincere Repentance by Muslims that would be forgiven by Allah SWT. This is similar to the concept of sincerity in the performing of the prayer but accorded different benefit by Allah SWT. This means that Muslims should also have sincerity in one's repentance and to hate the sin and seek immediate forgiveness for it every time it occurs to one. Let us then observe the Al-Qur'an Al-Tahrim verse 8 that prescribed the matter of sincere repentance needed by Muslims to be qualified and accepted forgiven by Allah SWT below:
Surah Al-Tahrim verse 8: [The {Prohibition]
"O you who believe! Turn to Allah with sincere repentance! It may that your Lord will expiate from you your sins, and admit you into Gardens under which rivers flow [Paradise] - the Day that Allah will not disgrace the Prophet [Muhammad s.a.w] and those who believe with him. Their Light will run forward before them and [with their Records - Books of deeds] in their right hands. They will say: "Our Lord! Keep perfect our Light for us [and do not put it off till we cross over the Sira't [a slippery bridge over the Hell] safely] and grant us forgiveness. Verily, You are Able to do all things."
From the above aforementioned verse, we are commanded to turn to Allah SWT in sincere repentance. It would be then Allah SWT will release from us our sins and surely will admit us into Gardens beneath which the rivers flow as it is known as a Paradise or Heaven. On that particular day Allah SWT will not humiliate the Prophet s.a.w and are those who believe with him. The Lights in the Heaven will shine on them and they supplicate and would say: "Our Rabb! Perfect our Lights on us and given us forgiveness, for You have power over all things." And the Prophet s.a.w once said: "Those who repents from sins is like the one who never sinned."
To go further regarding the real concept of the sincere repentance to those who desire going back to undertake to do the sins, one should has the determination not to return to repent the sins in exaltation of Allah SWT is out of fear of His punishment.
If ever the Muslims who have the sincere repentance met, then those who expect to anticipate one's sins to be forgiven, however one to be careful about how sincere one fulfilling one's condition. It is absolutely reminded to seek forgiveness a lot and to repeat every time the sins come to one's mind.
The conditions for repentance are mentioned below:
1] Learning the sin
2] Resolve not to return to the sin
3] Remorse over being committed the sin
4] Return to Allah SWT for forgiveness
Finally, the above criteria of feeling remorse and guilt are the natural reflection of sinning, if ever a person who has sinned has self-conscious which is a sin who fear Allah SWT and seek repent from Him, Allah SWT will forgive his sins.
Allah SWT ever Merciful and ever Forgiving
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