In my recent column I have elaborated about the understanding of the Day of Resurrection or in other connotation is Barzakh in Arabic language. As those Muslims are still have no proper divine knowledge about it and it imply that Islamic scholars are not permissible are strictly forbidden to act as intercessors in the Day of Judgment in the Hereafter. There comes the issue of the words of INTERCESSION which clearly defined as to plead and seek help for other person Allah SWT forgiveness of their innumerable sins and evil deeds they have committed. Muslim should believe that the obligation of intercession is only given to our Prophet s.a.w for the Mercy and Blessing of Allah SWT. Therefore, the act of pleading and seeking help for other people by the intercessors for their goodness or misdeeds is clearly forbidden among the Muslims. In this respect, let us observe and refer to surah Al-Muddathir verse 48 mentioned below:
Surah Al-Muddathir verse 48: (The Resurrection)
Verse 48 - "So no intercession of intercessors will be of any to them."
From the aforementioned short verse of verse 48 in surah Al-Muddathir clearly stipulated that during the Judgment Day whoever the intercessors who plead for Mercy for other people were not accepted as Prophet s.a.w affirmed that any person could not give intercession for another except the approval (re-proof) from Allah SWT.
For further elaboration, in the Hereafter there emerged a man seeking help from the intercessor to beg Prophet s.a.w to give the drink at the Lake-Fount (Kauther) and instead only some selected man had been offered the drink at the said Well Kauther. For our information, whoever Muslims who had been rewarded drink at this well will never become thirsty. The Prophet s.a.w once said: "I am your predecessor at the Lake-Fount (Kauther) and some men among you will be brought to me and where I will try to hand them some water and whoever will come to it, will drink for it and will never become thirsty after that."
In another aspect in the Afterlife during the Judgement Day the present of intercessors pleaded to seek help to enable the persons to walk safely on the Sirat al-Mustaqin which is believe to be a bridge walk away extending above the surface of Hell Fire whereby the bridge made up of shoots, had hooks, claws spikes and spines. Those Muslims who are obedient and hold steadfastly righteous path will proceed and walk on the Sirat al-Mustaqin will passed swiftly across it with the appropriate speed based on the rate of their faith.
Finally, I conclude and call upon that Muslims should be well aware that intercession is the hand of Allah SWT and He does not stand in need of anybody's faith. The Al-Qur'an is an admonition that has been presented before the people openly and should worship Allah SWT alone and has the divine power to forgive the one who adopts piety and God consciousness even though may have committed many acts of disobedience in the past. So, in the Day of Judgment in the when no intercessors shall avail with one another and in other word the intercessions are of no use to them and will receive Judgement from Allah SWT in the Hereafter.
Allah SWT is Almighty, Most Mercy and Off-Forgiving.
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