Saturday, November 24, 2012

Understanding the meaning of POLITICAL CONSENSUS (TAHAALUT SIYASI IJTIHAD) in religion ISLAM

In this column I would try to write a little bit of my knowledge about the present day political events of our country whereby at this time of the year 2012 in the next couple of month time supposed to be in the year of 2013 there would be the country general election. In that selected month of the year the need to elect the new administered government as in accordance with the Federal Constitution . Together with federal and state level, the people in their constituency  are qualified  to vote and elect their chosen  representative to the State Assembly and at the same time to the House of Parliament. According to the constitution the votes for the elected representatives are normally from the registered political or coalition parties in the country.

At this juncture the longed established Islamic verses the Secular Party in our country general election is surely become a necessity to open the door of a policy to the political consensus of the Justice Coalition Party to contest in due course before the general election. In other words, the Party should constitute the understanding of political consensus among the Muslim and non-Muslim member of the coalition party. As for the devoted Muslims, Tahaalut SyasiI Ijtihad which is similar to the fundamental objective of BAI'AH that is a pledge of allegiance by the faithful Muslims in the course of the political struggle of the Muslims. It is the pledge of allegiance of the contestants  who are to take part in the future general election. I do believe that the meaning of 'Tahaalut Syasi ' and 'Bai'ah' have been prescribed in the Al-Qur'an and Hadith during the historical era of fighting in war or Jihad Rasoluallah Prophet s.a.w. in the struggle of the righteous development of religion Islam. It becomes the agenda of the coalition party consists of Islamic Party, Democratic Action Party and Justice Party this days agree to set up and establish the political consensus among their component  political organization.

In this respect the need of political consensus or tahaalut syasi ijtihad will auger well and help accordingly the party involved to uphold steadfastly united and working together in order to oppose what is wrong and tyranny in the present administration and mismanagement of the government of the day. In fact it involves in some sort of memorandum of understanding among the coalition party essentially to work together and helping each other to face the opponents. It is normally permitted in our religion to undertake the consensus based on a study of the different aspect of unaccepted or rejected by the Muslims.

The implementation of the political consensus under-mentioned below:

The aim and objective:

1)  Towards Islamic Rule and implementation of Shariah.
2)  Against tyranny and corruption.

Isti'anah (Asking for Help):

1)  They help us.
2)  We help them.

Distribution of Tahaalut Syasi Ijtihad (Consensus):

1)  Leadership by Muslims.
2)  Recommendation of Islamic State.
3)  Acception of Islam and Shariah Conditions.

Finally, the collaboration of coalition is the joint effort in a possible way to topple the opposition government in the general election to be held sooner or later. So, surely it is a mandate to all members of the party to abide in order to achieve the target of victory the States and Federal Government. Whatsoever this in the stance the politicians should undertake to practice absolutely the principle of Tahaalut Syasi Ijtihad in the general election.

Unity, Peace and Prosperous a necessity for our Country.

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