Saturday, November 17, 2012

Understanding the Day of Resurrection (Alam Barzakh)

  • In this usual column, I would try to highlight with my little knowledge about the Day of  Resurrection some sort of lateral meaning of 'Alam Barzakh' of which I strongly feel that majority of the Muslims are still in the oblivion to apprehend the existed of the day of resurrection or alam barzakh which we are definitely going to face in the Hereafter. In other words, we should understand and believe that alam barzahk is a 'barrier' until the Day when human being accordingly all divinity revealed religion when a person dies on this Earth he will not be reborn until the day or resurrection. Evidently after the destruction of the Earth (Quimat ) mankind will rise up from the dead to be judged by Allah SWT who is the only God worthy of worship, the Greatest of the Judge. From the time a man dies until he is resurrected remains in a suspended state known in Arabic language as 'Barzakh' Let us observe and refer to Al-Qur'an surah Al-Mu'minum verses 99 to 100 mentioned below:
Surah Al-Mu'minum verse 99 to 100: (The Believers)

Verse 99 - "Until, when death to one of them (those who join partners with Allah), he says "My Lord! Send me back."

Verse 100 - "So that I may do good in that which I have left behind!" No! It is but a word that he speaks, and behind them is Barzakh (a barrier) until the Day when they will be resurrected."

From the above aforementioned surhl Al-Mu'minum verses 99 to 100, we are to learn there emerged a person after he died and rise up he requested and pleaded to Allah SWT to send him back to the earth in a way to seek the righteous path of which he deviated. At this juncture, Allah SWT will not entertain or accepted his pleading and it will be too late because there will be as barrier between them and the world they have left behind till the Day they are raised to life again. They are separated and neither they have worldly relations between them any more nor they will help and intercession with each other. The only those whose weight of good deeds is heavy will attain salvation and as for those whose weight is light they will be the ones who has lost their reward to live in the Hell Fire forever.

In the Alam Barzakh, it is believed that many people who died a thousand years ago, they have been waiting for the period of years before finally brought back to life. Prophet s.a.w affirmed that:

"Every one's death is the beginning of the Resurrection."

Further as an analogy in Barzakh, people as if awoke from a prolonged deep unconsciousness thinking that little or no time or long duration has passed after ones sleep for hours yet awaking, he feel as though he had only close his eyes. So, there is no partied or decent people in trying to imagine awaiting for centuries in Alam Barzakh because they thought that the time stated has no relevant to them. Though the believers understood that they are in reality dead had become dust and bones, they could not escape the torment and they will be resurrected in Barzakh

Finally, I conclude upon the Muslims to realize that Exalted Allah SWT give us life and will cause us to die and eventually will again give us life on the Day of Resurrection to face the final Judgement Day in the Hereafter.

Allah SWT is the Most Kind and Courteous, Well-Acquainted with everything.

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