Thursday, May 10, 2012

Misconstrue the word of Permission (Izin) and Approval (Redza) in ISLAM

Adapted from the article of Islamic Scholar on the subject of words Permission (Izin) and Approval (Redza), I would pen down my opinion on some additional understanding about the meaning of the two literary words on the assumption as a layman writer. Let us observe the narrated in Al-Qur,an surah IBRAHIM verse 7 and surah Fatir verse 8 mentioned below:

Surah Fatir verse 8: (The Origial of Creation of the Angels)

"Is he, then, to whom the evil of his deeds is made fair-seeming, so that he considers it is good (equal to one who is rightly guided) Verily, Allah sends astry whom He will, and guide the whom He wills. So not destroy not yourself (O Muhammad s.a.w) in sorrow for them. Truly, Allah is the All-Knower of what the do!"

The above verse cited that Allah SWT is All-Knower of what the believers do whether seemingly do the evil deeds that he considers is equal to other people doing good deeds. Allah SWT will justify of whom do egood or evil deeds and guide not and destroy them who go astray. Prophet s.a.w was told by Allah SWT not to sad and sorrow for the pains haunt them.

Surah Ibrahim verse 7: (Abraham)

"And (remember), when your Lord proclaimed, "If you gives thanks (by accepting Faith and worshipping none but Allah), I will give you more (of My Blessings), but if you are thankless (i.e disbelievers), verily My punishment is indeed severe".

From the verse asserted to remind wherever we gave thanks, accepting Faith and worshipping none but Allah. Allah will then approve acceptance our Faith. Thankful permissions from the people should be sincerely hence permission does not compel or follow by approval. So every Muslims should be aware and avoid using the words accordingly. To avoid the confusion among the Muslims that need not to be so convoluted not to confuse using the two words of approval and permission as define literacy in our language as Izin and Redza of Allah SWT. In other words, Allah SWT said if the Muslim believers are grateful, He Will with His approval will add (favour) countless benefits, but if they are ungrateful and unapproval, they will face the punishment in the Hereafter.

Finally, Muslims should able to realize that the word of approval [redza] is solely is from Allah SWT. The usage of the words permission [izin] is sometimes undertake by the people who are lackadaisical in their daily living.

Allah is All-Knower and All-Wise.

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