Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Obligation of Muslims to recite and Memorize Al-Quran in Prayer

In my recent writing, I wrote about the performing of subversiveness prayer [Solat] and this time with my knowledge I would try to highlight this vital part of Muslim's obligation to be able to recite and memorizing the Al-Qur'an especially in the establish of our five daily Prayers. First and foremost, let us observe in Al-Qur'an surah Al-Waq'ah as stipulated in verses 77, 78 and 79 as mentioned below:

Surah Al-Waq'ah 77 - 79: [The Event].

Verse 77 - "That [this] is indeed an honourable recitation [the Noble Qur'an]".

Verse 78 - " In a Book well-guarded [with Allah in heaven i.e Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz]".

Verse 79 - "Which [that Book with Allah] none touch but the purified [i.e the angels]."

The above three verses from surah Al-Waq'ah narrated that Al-Qur'an is a Holy and Glorious Book, well-guarded and none can touch except the purified angels because Al-Qur'an is exclusively is the Book of Allah. Absolutely, the Al-Qur'an literally means the recitation the religious text of Islam which is composed of Verses that make the 114 chapters [surah] at unequal length which is classified as MECCA and MADINAH as depending on the places of revelation. Muslims believe the Al-Qur'an to be verbally read by the Angel [Jibreal] from God to the last of Prophet s.a.w. In spite of the fact the Glorious Al-Qur'an is absolutely from the Allah SWT sent to our Prophet s.a.w through the Angel commanded to recite and establish our five daily congregation prayer [solat]. In our religion Islam, that is why the verses in Al-Qur'an are vital and required to be memorized and recited in our optional or congregation prayers of the Muslims. As verses in Al-Qur'an are to be recited and memorized to those who perform the prayers should be well aware of the correct pronunciation of words and sound accordingly during prayer time because it is a mandatory in our religion. Further more, a Muslim is required to memorize and learn at least some of the verse and surah of Al-Qur'an typically starting with the first surah [Al-Fatihah] and then moving to recite the starter one to the end of the surah.

I conclude, the important of the actual propose of Prayer is to act as a person's communication with and remembrance of Allah SWT. The opening of Al-Qur'an [Al-Fatihah] is required to recite in our prayers. Muslims who prostrate in prayer before Allah SWT, to thank, praise Him and ask for guidance doing the straight Path.

Solat [Prayer] is cited as a means of restraining the believers from social wrong, misdeeds and moral deviancy.

Prophet s.a.w once said: "So, exactly similar in the effect of Solat offered five times a day, with the Grace of Allah SWT, it washes away all sins."
(Bakhari, Muslim).

"Solat expiate all Sins committed by Muslims".

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